Thursday, April 20, 2006

Διαφορά ύφους ή όταν ΔΕΝ καβαλάει κανείς το καλάμι

Στο πλαίσιο του μερικού ανασχηματισμού της κυβέρνησης των ΗΠΑ, με στόχο να σωθεί το όποιο κύρος του προέδρου Μπούς, ξεχωρίζει η παραίτηση του παγκοσμίως γνωστού εκπροσώπου Τύπου του Λευκού Οίκου, Σκοτ ΜακΛέλαν. Η Wall Street Journal online δημοσίευσε ένα άρθρο με τα “Best of Scott McClellan” και ιδού κάποια highlights που είναι πολύ χρήσιμα σε όποιον θα ήθελε να κάνει κάποιες συγκρίσεις με το ύφος και το περιεχόμενο της εκπροσώπησης της Ελληνικής κυβέρνησης από τον Θ. Ρουσσόπουλο…
Προσέξτε την τελευταία απάντηση για το χρόνο παραμονής στη θέση του εκπροσώπου τύπου. Άλλα ήθη.

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Comments at media briefings in the days after Vice President Cheney shot a friend, Harry Whittington, while hunting quail in Texas.

Feb. 13, 2006

Q: [A]s the Press Secretary, are you satisfied with the way this was handled?

McClellan: Well, I know that the Vice President's Office was working to pull together information and make sure that information got out. And the Vice President felt that Mrs. Armstrong should be the first one to go out there and provide that information to the public, which she did -- and she reached out early Sunday morning to do so.

Q: And you're satisfied with the way –
McClellan: You can always look back at these issues and look at how to do a better job.

Q: [H]as he taken a hunting safety course in Texas?

McClellan: I'd check with his office. I don't have those facts, Mike. I haven't checked into that.

Q: Will the Vice President be available soon to answer all questions, himself, about the incident?

McClellan: think you ought to direct questions like that to his office. He has a press office you can direct questions to. ...
Q: You've repeatedly said that the Vice President's Office will share this information with us. Will you tell us -- will you now ask them to share this information with us, because they're not.

McClellan: Share what information?

Q: Details of what happened during the shooting and more information about –

McClellan: Well, Mrs. Armstrong provided that information. She was the eyewitness to what took place.

Q: Can we get someone from his office in here to answer –

Q: Why can't we get someone from his office to answer some questions?

Q: Or get him?

McClellan: Well, talk to his office. I think they have provided a response to the questions.

McClellan: They contacted the local -- Mrs. Armstrong contacted the local paper early Sunday morning.

Q: Scott, that's not the answer to the question. Come on. You're totally ducking and weaving here.

McClellan: No, I'm not.

Q: You are, Scott. We don't –

McClellan: I'm telling you what the Vice President's Office –

Q: We don't care if some ranch owner calls a local paper.

McClellan: Hold on. Cameras aren't on right now. You can do this later.

Q: You know what, Scott? You may think that's cute and funny, but you're not answering the question, and that's a dodge. And don't accuse me of trying to pose for the cameras. Don't be a jerk to me, personally. When I'm asking you a serious question, you should give us a serious answer –

McClellan: You don't have to yell.

Q: -- instead of jerking us around.

McClellan: You don't have to yell.

Q: I will yell. If you want to use that podium and try to take shots at me personally, which I don't appreciate, then I will raise my voice, because that's wrong.

McClellan: Calm down, David.

Q: So answer the question.

McClellan: Calm down.

Q: I'll calm down when I feel like calming down. You answer the question.

McClellan: I have answered the question, and I'm sorry you're getting all riled up about it.

Q: I am riled up because you're not answering the question....

* * *

Comments to the press about his [McClellan’s] tenure in the job

April 17, 2006

Q: Scott, you're one of those visible members of the President's senior staff. Do you plan to stay on?

McClellan: Are you trying to tempt me here?

Q: Not at all.

McClellan: Look, I never speculate about personnel matters.

Q: "Personnel" or "personal" or both?

McClellan: Two years in this position is a long time, I'm very mindful of that. But, look, I never get into any of that speculation.

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